December 3, 2015

DeVille receives Human Rights award

By Jerry W. Kram

Lisa DeVille of Mandaree has received the Arc of Justice Award from the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition.

DeVille is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes on the Fort Berthold Reservation and lives in Mandaree with her husband, five children and two grandchildren. She serves on the ND Vision West Consortium and Citizens for Change group. She is also the vice president and one of the founders of the Fort Berthold Protectors of Water and Earth Rights (POWER) a chapter of the Dakota Resource Council. She also serves on the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council.

According to the award presentation, DeVille developed her passion for helping the native communities of the Fort Berthold Reservation in 1999 when she became involved in creating housing opportunities for Native Americans. In 2010, she became concerned about the impacts of oil and gas development on the health and environment of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara people of the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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