July 26, 2017

Culture Camp marks another year of learning

By Jerry W. Kram
Thing were a little crowded at MHA Tourism’s Earth Lodge Village west of Four Bears last week, but nobody minded.
The scenic area was host to the Annual Science and Culture Camp sponsored by the Nueta, Hidatsa Sahnish College. The camp gives students across the Fort Berthold Reservation a chance to participate in activities that teach lessons in both science and the traditional arts and stories of the Three Affiliated Tribes.
This year had a record number of participants, said Kerry Hartman, head of the science department at the college. Organizers had set a limit of 40 campers, but there were so many deserving applicants, 48 wound up attending.
“We’ve had a good week,” Hartman said. “I hope the kids had fun and I know they learned a lot. We had some cultural leaders hear all the time. We are going to call it a great success again.”
The campers slept in the earth lodges at the village and participated traditional ceremonies like sweats, hand games, beading, and storytelling with elders. The also learned about a host of scientific subjects including plant identification and solar power. There was also time for traditional summer camp fun like swimming and archery.

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