March 5, 2020

Culture and children – A winning combination

TAT Head Start Program provides traditional teachings, tood and Round Dance for youth
By Logan J. Davis
The Northern Lights Wellness Center in New Town recently resounded to the sound of drums and children’s laughter.
The center hosted the Head Start Round Dance which is the beginning of many similar future events that teach youth about the MHA Nation native cultures. The circle of dancers that took part in the round dance wound almost all the way around the Northern Lights gym floor. There were more than 300 participants for the event and it took a lot of team effort, said Three Affiliated Tribes Head Start Director Kelly Bradfield.
The president of the Head Start Parent Policy Board, Wendi Wells, and she came dressed in her dance regalia to the well-attended cultural event. Wells emphasized that integrating culture into the Head Start Programs on the MHA Nation in a positive way is critical, Every student deserves to receive on-going teachings of their culture from traditional elders and cultural teachers, she said.

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