October 22, 2010

Cross country co-op idea goes down in defeat

Cross country co-op idea goes down in defeat

Co-op defeated by Parshall School Board

There won’t be a high school cross country co-op between New Town and Parshall, at least not in the near future.
The Parshall School Board voted down a proposal at Monday night’s meeting, nullifying New Town’s scheduled special meeting Tuesday night for the same reason.
Several parents, coaches and runners testified against the idea, while one parent and two Parshall high school runners spoke in favor of a co-op they believe would create much stronger teams.
New Town Superintendent Marc Bluestone attended the meeting on behalf of the New Town School Board. He said the board would have met Tuesday night to consider the same agreement, however, Parshall’s decision circumvented the need for a second meeting.

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