May 20, 2011

Crop deadline extension proposed

Crop deadline extension proposed
Soggy conditions put Mountrail County way behind schedule

Now that we are in the second half of May and just a month away from the summer solstice, there is mounting pressure to get crops seeded as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, heavy rain last Monday and Tuesday further dampened an already saturated ground and little farming, if any, has been done locally and across the state.
Just 10 percent of the county’s canola crop has been seeded and the contract deadline for crop insurance is today (May 20). In addition, only 10 percent of the peas have been planted and just 5 percent of the corn is in the ground, according to Mountrail County Extension agent Jim Hennessy.
With producers that far behind schedule, North Dakota Farmers Union President Robert Carlson, a Renville County farmer himself, has sent a formal request to the secretary of agriculture and the Risk Management Agency to extend the deadline 10 days on most crops.

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