May 8, 2009

County commission meets in New Town to discuss damaged road

County commission meets in New Town to discuss damaged road
Farmers, oil men and township supervisors attended a special Mountrail County Commission meeting Tuesday night in the New Town Civic Center to get answers on a road south of New Town that has deteriorated to a dangerous situation.
It is one of many county roads in Mountrail County that have sustained the fate of oil impact. And now that the county will be getting additional revenue from land flooded when Garrison Dam was built, repairs need to be done, according to commissioner David Hynek.
Chunks of asphalt and pot holes are rampant on the road immediately south of the New Town water plant for at least three miles. One township supervisor said he started setting up his own flags to warn people of the danger as they travel the trecherous road.
Some suggested remilling the asphalt and changing it to gravel, others suggested starting from scratch and building the road to meet federal specifications. One suggestion was to build a new road and pave it into the heart of Fort Berthold reservation lands

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