January 27, 2012

Council hears Prairie Winds concerns

Council hears Prairie Winds concerns
By Jerry W. Kram

A delegation of residents from the Prairie Winds Trailer Court spoke before the New Town City Council asking if the city could provide them any assistance after they are evicted from the court this spring.
Shortly after Christmas, the residents of the court were notified that the court had been purchased by Future Housing LLC. The company plans to develop the court for housing for employees of the United Prairie Cooperative and the notice said the current trailers would have to be moved by June 1.
North Segment Representative Scott Eagle and court resident Verdell Smith spoke on behalf of the court residents, outlining their understanding of the events and the problems residents face in finding a new place to live.
Eagle said there is an extreme shortage of housing and even lots for homes or trailers. He said he had sat down with the residents and with John Reese, who is acting as the agent for Future Housing, to see if there was any way to make the transition easier.

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