May 3, 2018

Conference tackles the toughest stories

By Edna Sailor
Part 1 of a 2 part series
Sexual assault is never an easy subject to discuss. However, it is vital that education and advocacy for victims, their families and the community must always take place to combat the impact of those crimes.
No one knows that better than the Director of the TAT Victims Services Program. Sadie Young Bird had that in mind when she organized the recent sexual assault conference.
“Our goal was to reveal the different kinds of sexual assault and bring critical training to our community. Our hope was to reach people who might be assaulted in different ways,” Young Bird said.
The two day event featured a variety of speakers on varying topics related to victim services issues. Those speakers included Dr. Diane Gout, Grey O.A.K LLC; Lenny Hayes, Tate Topa Consulting; Deborah Young Bear, MHA Social Services; Ashley Roulette, Carmen O’Leary and Sandra Bercier, First Nations Women’s Alliance.
With healing in mind, the conference began with prayers and smudging purification. Sandy Bercier provided her own combination of sage and other plant elements for cleansing and healing.

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