June 25, 2015

Coming Soon


Next stage of street project

By Jerry W. Kram

The underground work for the first three blocks of the west side of the New Town Main Street project should be finished by the end of June, said Project Superintendent Roger Watson. That will allow Marschuetz Construction to begin work on replacing the pavement and starting work on the new curb, gutter and sidewalks.

Watson reported that the weekly meeting with the New Town Chamber that all of the water relocations and sanitary sewer installations were complete. Work on replacing the storm sewers is close to being finished, but the recent rains have slowed that process down slightly. Watson said that he is shooting for the middle or end of next week to start excavating the street. Watson said he will be adding another shift so that work will continue nearly 24 hours a day.

After the pavement is removed, Watson said Marschuetz will start paving the middle 12 feet of the street first. The concrete will take seven to 10 days to cure. Then the company will go down one side and up the other installing the remaining pavement, a process Watson said could be finished in one day. After another curing period, that stretch of street will be reopened to traffic while work will start on putting in sidewalks, curb and gutters. He said the sidewalks, curb, gutter and lighting work would take about 40 days to finish.


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