February 24, 2012

College has two reps on national board

College has two reps on national board
By Jerry W. Kram

There are 37 tribal colleges across the United States and Canada that are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. Students from across the country elect representatives to a student congress to help shape the consortium’s programs. Two of those student from the Fort Berthold Community College, now known as the Nueta, Hidatsa and Sahnish College, have been named officers of the AIHEC Student Congress.
Noel Scott Baker and Elizabeth Bluestone are both members of the AIHEC board. Bluestone was the Midwest Representative on the board and when she was elevated to Treasurer of the organization, Baker was selected to replace her as Midwest Representative.
“It’s unusual to have two student officers from the same tribal college,” Baker said. “I went to the Congress as (the FBCC) Student Body President. But when I found out what they were doing I thought I should get in there and help out any way I can.”
AIHEC is the collective voice for Tribal Colleges and Universities, Baker said. He and Bluestone went to an AIHEC meeting in Washington, D.C., in mid February where they also had an opportunity to speak on behalf of the college with Senator Kent Conrad and Representative Rick Berg and a member of Senator John Hoeven’s office.

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