December 22, 2016

City work nearly complete

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town City Council reviewed its construction projects for 2016 and found that all of them were very nearly complete.
Justin Ahmann of Ackerman Estvold Engineering reviewed the year’s work with city council and reported that work was substantially complete of three of the four remaining project.
The one project with work yet to be done is the West Sanitary Trunk Sewer Project which is being built to accommodate expanded growth along North Dakota Highway 1806. Ahmann said the functional part of project is done except for connecting electrical power to a lift station. He added the the contractor, Eagle Rock Timber, did not have any control over when Mountrail Williams Electrical Cooperative would have power installed. After the power is installed, the system will be pressure tested. The remaining work on the project consists of replacing two concrete approaches, cleanup and seeding grass in the spring. Ahmann estimated the project is 89 percent complete.

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