December 26, 2019

City seeks more active Park Board

By Jerry W. Kram
The New Town City Council held a discussion with Park Board Chairman Joe Iverson at its most recent regular meeting. Mayor Dan Uran said he would like to have the Park Board take over some of the city’s duties with the new facilities that have been built in the last few years.
Uran and Iverson agreed that for the last several years, the Park Board has mostly been concerned with keeping the city’s parks mowed. Uran said that with opening of the city swimming pool and the construction of the recreation center next year, it was time for the board to take on more responsibilities.
Iverson said the Board did have a member manage the old pool before it was closed, but since then it’s role has been more limited. The board added some new members this in, including Kelly McGrady, and Iverson said that has sparked new interest by the board for taking on a bigger role.

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