November 22, 2017

City prepared for Winter

By Edna Sailor
Old man winter has already tested us for Winter. No one knows that better than Daryl Lyson over at the city maintenance shop.
“Winter is already here and we have already had our salt and sand equipment out this year,” he said.
Lyson and his crew are undaunted by the initial test of snow, ice and wind.
“We do not have any new equipment, but our grader, loader, skid steer, back hoe, and sand truck are all greased up and ready to go. We have our dump truck ready to haul snow if that happens,” Lyson said.
There is something new about this winter snow removal process, however.
“We have brand new signage up around town to better mark the emergency routes in town,” he said.
Main Street is the priority for snow removal crews with the schools, the clinic, College Drive and 7th Street next in line. Residential streets come after those priorities.”

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