December 25, 2008

City Hall debates Elbowoods health center construction

City Hall debates Elbowoods health center construction


After considerable discussion on the roadways and utilities of the Elbowoods Memorial Health Center Dec. 17, the New Town City Council passed authority to Steve Ike to negotiate a final contract with adjacent land owners, Fort Berthold Tribal Design and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

In fact, it was Ike, the city’s engineer representing Ameritech Engineering in Williston, who brought to the city’s attention that perhaps it would be in the best financial interest of everyone if a final design was drawn up.

Ike presented an architectural draft of a roadway easement to the site, northeast of New Town. Everything looked in order on the temporary construction easement, however, he said when the city grows, the present plans may not suffice.

"Rather than taking action, we should ask for a final design," Ike said. "This document doesn’t address utilities and the problem I see is if they put in a lift station, it may not be enough."

City attorney Wade Enget said if utilities are involved in the design, then temporary construction easement isn’t the answer because it will ultimately cost more in the long term for a final plan.

"It’s a logical growth in that part of town and the Corps and Tribal Design haven’t discussed it with us," Enget said. "I’m not confortable drawing up a temporary easement because not all of this is for construction."

Enget added that if Ike would approach boundary landowners and talk to them about a final design, that could include a 10-inch waterline and sewer lift station, he believes a "package deal" would be a better option.

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