December 30, 2011

City Council reorganizes city services

City Council reorganizes city services
By Jerry W. Kram

The Dec. 21 meeting of the New Town City Council was preceded by a special meeting of the council with city workers. The purpose of the meeting was to decide how to replace City Coordinator Charles Gilstad, who resigned in October.
Mayor Dan Uran told the employees that the city had not received a single application for the city coordinator job after advertising for a couple of months. City Auditor Kayla Burnette added that advertising jobs nationally was a significant expense. A nationwide ad for a water plant position cost the city $2,000 for just one month.
Employees of the city’s three departments – Water, Sanitation and Streets – asked the city council to find a way to give them some direction. They said that Gilstad had acted as the supervisor for all three departments and they had basically been relied on Councilman Darrell Salter for direction for the last few months. Salter is chair of the council’s Public Works Committee. Even with Salter’s oversight, however, efficiency and morale suffered. Several workers expressed a desire to have someone in charge who could find them something to do once they complete their assigned duties.

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