March 24, 2016

City council reaffirms termination, reconsiders liquor licenses

City council reaffirms termination, reconsiders liquor licenses

By Jerry W. Kram

The New Town City Council reaffirmed its decision to terminate former New Town Police Department officer Peter Brown. Brown asked to be allowed to resign from the department, effectively removing the termination from his record.

Last month, the council had terminated Brown after he allegedly discharged multiple rounds from his service pistol into a four wheeler while off duty. Attorney Damon Williams spoke for Brown at the council meeting and told council members that Brown has not been charged with any crime in McKenzie County, where the incident occurred. Brown did not attend the council meeting.

Brown had been placed on administrative leave with pay by New Town Police Chief James Johns. Johns said he was working on getting counseling for Brown. The council voted to terminate Brown instead. Williams said that the termination, along with comments made at the meeting and published in the New Town News would make it very difficult for Brown to find employment in the future. He asked that the termination be removed from Brown’s personnel file and that Brown be allowed to resign.

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