July 30, 2010

City Council moves forward on traffic lights

City Council moves forward on traffic lights
N.D. Highway 1804 and Soo Place corners to receive lights to control intersections

New Town City Council members didn’t waste any time in unamiously voting to install traffic lights at two intersections downtown.
N.D. Highway 23, which is also New Town’s Main Street, will see traffic lights at the intersections of N.D. Highway 1804 and Soo Place, intersections that are said to be critical spots for traffic and safety.
“It looks like you’re going to meet the Department of Transportation criteria at (N.D.) 1804 and Soo, or East Avenue,” said engineer Alan Estvold, who is working on a major project to rework Main Street downtown in 2012. “DOT would have a lot to say about it, but I would like to make a recommendation.”
There was little debate about whether or not a light should be placed at the N.D. 1804 intersection. But Estvold’s recommendation was to place the second light at Soo Place and Main Street primarily because fire and ambulance squads are located just to the south of the intersection and they often times will have to make left turns as they go out on a call. Tribal police headquarters is also south of the intersection.

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