November 25, 2015

City construction not quite finished


By Jerry W. Kram

While pickups and cars can now cruise the full length of the newly completed and renovated Main Street of New Town, there is still a lot of work going on around New Town. However, 2015’s projects are finally winding down.

The City of New Town had 10 construction projects of its own going on over the summer of 2015, not counting the Main Street project, which was directed by the North Dakota Department of Transportation. The rush was due in part to the surge funding implemented by the 2015 North Dakota Legislature. New Town received more than $8 million in surge funding that had to be spent on projects started in 2015.

The largest remaining project is the East Sanitary Trunk Main project that will provide sewer service to the new Jason’s Supermarket and future development on the east end of New Town.

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