April 14, 2016

City Cleanup scheduled for Earth Day

By Edna Sailor

Someone has to pick up tons of garbage from streets and roadways. April 22 is Earth Day and New Town residents from all walks of life and of all ages will pitch in to get it done.

The kick off and start point will be at the NHS College parking lot at 9 a.m. There will be a ten minute presentation by the Environmental Science Department and thank you statement by Three Affiliated Tribes Councilman Ken Hall. There will be a table for sign in, t-shirts, gloves and garbage bags.

Sack lunches will be available at the college at noon.

The North Dakota Petroleum Council will furnish hundreds of garbage bags to contain the litter.

Leadership and cooperation for the endeavor will come from many corners of the community.

The Three Affiliated Tribes volunteers include the North Segment Office, Nueta, Hidatsa, Sahnish College, New Town High School, New Town Middle School, North Dakota Petroleum Council, North Segment Community Development Corporation, TAT Solid Waste and the TAT Emergency Management/Homeland Security Office.

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