April 24, 2009

City approves Elbowoods Health Care Facility zoning

City approves Elbowoods Health Care Facility zoning
A parcel of land northeast of New Town is now zoned for the Elbowoods Health Care Facility to proceed.
The New Town City Council last Wednesday approved rezoning the area near Fort Berthold Community College so construction may begin on the Elbowoods Health Care Facility. The council voted on the change from an agricultural to residential zone on a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Committee.
City attorney Wade Enget said there have been some questions regarding the change.
He said the property will remain as is until the health care facility construction begins. At that point, the taxable value will change from agricultural to residential zoning.
“It remains ag until it’s developed,” Enget said. “They can still farm it.”
In other business:
•The council talked about spring clean up and what New Town residents can do to help.
According to Mayor Dan Uran, dumpsters have been filling up around town with autumn leaves that are being raked. Council member Darrel Salter added that leaves and lawn clippings need to go into the city’s compost pile.

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