October 24, 2019

Citizens dig deep to help NTPD

By Jerry W. Kram
Since Officer Delphi retired this summer, the New Town Police Department has been down to a single K-9 officer. The Department has raised about two-thirds of the $30,000 needed to acquire a new K-9 and train the dog and handler. Local businesses and individuals dug deep Sunday to come up with the remaining funds, plus a little bit more.
The Police Department approached Mark Lagor, owner of North Country Oil of Parshall, for a donation. Instead Lagor had the idea of hosting a fundraiser for the department. Invitations to the dinner brought in about $7,000 of the $10,000 the department needed. A silent auction at the dinner more than made up the shortfall, bringing in a total of $4,350.
“Instead of just donating $500, we decided we would help them raise the remaining money,” Lagor said. “We brought our team together with the chief and said we could organize the whole thing for her. Yuki Johnson and Alex Manier headed up the event and put on the event. It’s amazing what has come together.”

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