November 29, 2018

Christmas echos from across the years

Christmas echos from across the years

By Edna Sailor
If you talk to people who have celebrated Christmas over decades they all note that Christmas has changed significantly over the years. No one dismays about those changes, most just take them in stride.
Leo and Karen Ringeon North of Plaza and they have noticed “there wasn’t much money back then when we were growing up and then raising our families. So in my way of thinking things seemed to be more sincere. Every little thing meant something and now a days I think that has been lost in some ways. It is too commercialized now and so many things are taken for granted.”
One thing, however, that has remained the same is that they always have a real tree that they pick out on their own land. They still do that if the snow isn’t too deep. In the old days there used to be a lot more children in our church so the church programs were a really big deal back then.

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