May 6, 2011

Celebrate Arbor Day today

Celebrate Arbor Day today


North Dakota has always had a lack of trees and although Arbor Day began during territorial days in 1872, it has only been in recent years that locals have taken Arbor Day seriously.
Today is Arbor Day and Mark Derowitsch, with the Arbor Day Foundation in Nebraska City, Neb., is urging everyone to plant a tree or several trees. Not only is it good for the environment, he says, but it will beautify any property.
“Before you get started, you want to make sure you’re planting the right tree in the right place,” Derowitsch said. “It is wise to first determine which functions are most important to you when selecting a new tree to plant.”
Trees provide shade, beauty, windbreaks and boundaries, according to Derowitsch. He said we don’t often think about shade in North Dakota, but in the middle of summer it is important, as are the windbreaks in the winter.
Short flowering trees are ideal for planting under power lines. Large deciduous trees are best used to shade your home and yard. Maple, oak, spruce and other pine trees make great shade, boundary and beauty areas. Many people are now growing fruit trees such as apple, apricot, cherry and pear trees as well.

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