April 13, 2017

Can’t keep a good Norwegian down

By Edna Sailor
It is likely Red Sanderson’s name is familiar to nearly anyone who hears it in New Town. Sanderson has been around the community for a long time. The early fifties to be exact. He also thinks it is important to be a part of community. His history proves that point.
Over his lifetime, Sanderson has taken his turn at working with the New Town Chamber and its projects, serving on the City Council for 12 years and participating on the Lakeside Community Living Center Board most recently.
“It’s just one of those things I like to do. I just enjoy being helpful in the community,” he said with a modest smile.
Sanderson recalls when the Senior Center was organized. He goes to it now and enjoys it. But he and others in the community recognized earlier that it would be a positive thing for the senior population of the community to have a reliable gathering place. He also thinks that’s a good idea for kids too.
“We really should get something going for the kids in our community. I would like to see someplace for them to get together too,” he said.

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