February 27, 2014

Cafeteria a feast for the eyes


By Jerry W. Kram

Ask enough high school students what their favorite class is and more than a few of them will say "Lunch."

Well, lunch has been given an upgrade at the New Town High School as a remodel of the cafeteria and commons area was completed this week.

School Superintendent Marc Bluestone said the remodel makes the cafeteria a more interesting place for students to eat and study.

"We had two themes," Bluestone said. "We wanted motivational expressions added throughout – sportmanship, tradition, practice, heritage, creativity, get a good education – and we also incorporated a native theme."

The room is dominated by a mural of decals over the windows that depict an earth lodge village. On the far wall are maps representing the Fort Berthold Reservation before and after the creation of Lake Sakakawea by the Garrison Dam. Interspersed with the other decorations are numerous depictions of the Eagles logo, which is also punched into the metal divider separating the cafeteria from the commons area.

"The decor reflects who we are and where we come from, but it also reflects that we have to move ahead," Bluestone said "To be successful in the future you need an education and to work hard in the classroom."


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