April 26, 2018

Boxers are a living legacy

Chase Memorial Event returns boxing to New Town

By Jerry W. Kram
North Dakota and the Three Affiliated Tribes have a long history in the sport of boxing. However, the sport has been in decline in recent years and Laura Reed Sandoval is working to turn that trend around.
Sandoval is the only female boxing coach in North Dakota and she runs the Chase the Enemy Boxing Club. The club honored the late Virgil Chase with the first amateur boxing show in New Town in many years. Chase was a fervent supporter of boxing and many other community activities around the region.
The first Annual Virgil Chase Memorial exhibition drew fighters from several other clubs in the region including Hillsboro, Fairview, Mont., Sturgis, S.D., and the Peak Performance and Three Nations boxing clubs. Sandoval was pleased that they had enough boxers to put on seven bouts. The ring was set up in the Edwin Loe Elementary gymnasium.

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