December 13, 2018

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Tables Event

Beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Tables Event

By Edna Sailor
Guests who attended the Fourth Annual Bethel Lutheran Church Tables event enjoyed the mid day meal and its glittering Christmas environment. Fourteen beautifully decorated tables greeted guests as they entered the fellowship room. Each table sparkled with its own individual theme.
A 14th table was added when more people registered than originally anticipated. That means good news for the recipients who will benefit from the event. They include Camp of the Cross, Eagles Backpack program and Heart River Bridges of Hope Program in Mandan which is an outreach and re-entry program sponsored by the ELCA.
Guests came from the surrounding area for the event. Penny Uran drove in from Stanley.
“I heard about it from someone who told me all about the beautiful tables and it sounded like something I would really enjoy, but I have to say that now that I am here, I am very overwhelmed by it. All of the tables are so beautiful and creative,” she said.

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