December 8, 2016

Back to Back storms tax city cleanup crews

By Edna Sailor
The snow fell everywhere the first time. It did its best to block streets and roadways. That’s when Daryl Lyson and his crew over at the city maintenance shop kicked into action.
“We were ready for it. Our equipment was ready and so were we,” Lyson said.
The first snow storm of the season is history now and much of the heavy, wet white stuff has been successfully cleared away. In fact, crews worked so hard that the community was able to enjoy reasonably open streets for its annual Walk About and Parade of Lights recently.
That is only part of the story. Just on the heels of the first taste of winter, Mother Nature kicked up a fuss and delivered a second blizzard. Schools shut down, events were canceled and “no travel” was advised by the weather service and North Dakota Department of Transportation.

The Weather Network