March 5, 2015

Aubol finds winter at DC Conference

By Edna Sailor

Representing New Town’s Beck Sherven Auxiliary Unit 290, Marlys Aubol was one of more than 300 delegates and distinguished guests from across the country who attended the American Legion Auxiliary’s annual Washington D.C. Conference February 22-25. The mid-year event provides an opportunity for the organization’s leadership to hear from Washington experts on issues relevant to the Auxiliary’s mission and meet with Congressional representatives on key legislative priorities. The trip to the nation’s capitol presented numerous travel issues for her.

It wasn’t North Dakota weather that challenged Aubol as she headed for the conference last week; she encountered the much discussed weather along the East Coast.

"I missed meetings Saturday evening and Sunday morning, but I was able to participate in everything on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday," Aubol said. "The flight on Saturday was canceled from Denver to DC because of a South wind so we couldn’t land at the Reagan airport. The winds would have made it necessary to fly over the White House which is a "no fly zone" so the flight was canceled. We flew into Dulles on Sunday."

Aubol was disappointed to miss one session in particular.

"I was unable to hear a keynote presentation by Benjamin Patton, grandson of General George S. Patton Jr., the World War II icon," Aubol said.

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