May 16, 2013

Art students leave their mark

Art students leave their mark

By Jerry W. Kram

Next year’s elementary students, and those for many years to come will be reminded every day of this year’s high school art class.
Students in an advanced drawing class being offered on Fridays this year are creating a mural that will feature the New Town School District’s vision statement and mission statements. The mural will be on the wall at the front entrance of the Edwin Loe School. The drawing class is being taught by Sherry Locken.
Kindergarten teacher Betsy Johnson helped organize the project. She said that under a program called North Dakota MILE, (Moving to Improve Learning for Everyone) schools are required to do school improvements.
“One of the improvements is to display our school’s vision and mission statements,” said Johnson. “We printed off many copies and posted them around the school. I thought that to brighten things up around here, it would be awesome to put a mural on the wall, including our vision and mission statements. I heard that this year’s art students were really talented, and I thought it would be great to walk into the school and see it right there.”
Johnson got in touch with Locken, who is teaching a drawing enrichment class on Fridays this year.
“This is my talented group who volunteered to come to the drawing class,” Locken said. “They could choose what they wanted to do and they wanted to come and draw.”

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