July 15, 2011

Area teens work summer jobs

Area teens work summer jobs

Jessica Aubol is constantly moving. At any moment of the day, she could be stocking shelves, bagging cart fulls of groceries or scraping gum off of floors. Jessica, age 14, is one of many high school-age kids who are working over the summer.
Jessica said her job at Jack and Jill in New Town is “entertaining, but time-consuming,” and that though her hours ares sometimes long, she enjoys the variety of people with whom she gets to interact. Nelson White Tail, age 16, who carries out groceries at Jack and Jill, noted that he often didn’t have time to do things like go to basketball tournaments.
Many kids still have fun at their jobs, despite the fact that they could be hanging out with their friends instead of being inside all day. Haley Tveter, age 15, who works the till at Super Valu said that it helps that she is friends with her co-workers.
“It’s better to work with people I get along with,” said Haley.
Haley’s younger sister Dariann Tveter also works at Super Valu, and Haley said they get along better when they’re working together because they’re too busy to argue. Noël Rensch, age 18, who works at Satermo’s in New Town, said her “good boss and fun coworkers” make her job more enjoyable. McKayla Nielsen, age 17, works at Parshall’s city pool and said it’s fun just getting to watch kids play. Coulter Werlinger, who carries out groceries and stocks shelves at the Parshall Food Pride, said that the people he works with was one of the things he especially likes about his job.

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