June 5, 2009

Area schools fall short on federal tests

Area schools fall short on federal tests

By Jill Denning Gackle
Area schools continue to be challenged to make the grade in the federal No Child Left Beyond program that calls for Adequate Yearly Progress. The federal program is an accountability system for all public school districts and sets benchmarks that schools must meet and exceed.
Statewide 350 schools made the grade and 115 did not. Nine schools, including Mandaree High School met the AYP standards this year but didn’t last year. The district must make it at least two years in a row before they are identified as not needing program improvement.
Nineteen schools, were already on the watched list because they didn’t make AYP last year, including Mandaree Elementary School. They are still on the program improvement timetable.
Of the 115 schools that did not make AYP, 38 schools, including New Town High School and Parshall High School, do not receive Title 1 funds. They must disseminate their AYP report to parents, however there are no further repercussions or requirements of these schools.
Parshall Elementary School is one of the 32 schools that did not make AYP for the second consecutive year and has been identified for program improvement.

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