January 31, 2019

An exciting day

By Jerry W. Kram
2019 will be a year of changes in New Town if all the developments planned by North Segment and the City of New Town come to fruition.
The New Town City Council sat down with Dr. Monica Mayer, North Segment Representative to the MHA Tribal Council, to share what development plans each government is working on and to coordinate possible joint projects in the future. Between the city and the segment, there could be as many as 10 major projects started or completed this summer and fall.
The meeting came about as City Council member Terry Mattson requested the council set up a meeting with Mayer to make sure both entities were on the same page for a joint project to develop a recreation center on Main Street. The center would be located on the site of the former Vo-Ag Building next to the former United Quality Cenex gas station on Main Street.

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