October 12, 2017

Activities mark Domestic Violence Awareness Month

By Edna Sailor
“Silence hides violence” and the Three Affiliated Tribes Victims Services will not be silent.
The group is planning the 3rd Annual “End the Silence Stop the Violence “Glow Walk Run 2017 Event for Friday, October 20 at Antelope Society Little Shell Arbor.
The Victim Services title replaces a previous use of Domestic Violence to include everyone who suffers at the hands of violent actions. The project is aimed at awareness and prevention. Sadie Young Bird directs the program.
“Our initiatives are important because this month is Domestic Violence Month and we are working hard to let people know that we have services available if they are in a violent situation. We can help them and we have two shelters available so victims do not have to stay in that situation,” Young Bird said.
The group intentionally brings the issue of violence and assault into the light of day with several events throughout the week of October 16 to 20. The glow walk/run involves colored material that will glow in the dark under blacklights. Participants symbolically take a stand by coloring themselves in this manner.
Anyone with questions or would like to volunteer for the glow run may contact the Victim Services office at 701-627-4171.

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