October 20, 2021

A path to survival and healing

A path to survival and healing

Th e wicked north wind blew hard but could not deter the many people who took the opportunity to recognize and offer support for breast cancer victims.

The 11th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk on Tuesday morning was also a chance to pray for the ones who are battling the deadly disease that takes many victims every year. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Three Affiliated CHR Program partnered with Council woman V. Judy Brugh and Four Bears Segment to sponsor and host the event this year. It was a great collaboration that worked wonderfully, said CHR Director Jodi Simpson.
“This is the fi rst co-op we have had with Four Bears and it was great,” said Simpson. “We had a good turnout even
though it was really cold. We want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting our walk. We would like to thank
the new tribal administration director Jared Eagle for doing the welcome for us and for Kelly McGrady for being our guest speaker and off ering the prayer at the beginning.”

The Weather Network