November 20, 2014

A good year, but many still need help


By Edna Sailor

The Horn of Plenty is a symbol drawn from classical antiquity that is still used to represent abundance and nourishment at this time of year. It has commonly been used to represent giving for the holidays as well.

The Great Plains Food Bank in North Dakota remains vigilant where hunger is concerned in North Dakota. It is difficult to imagine hunger in North Dakota. We have semi loads of grains rolling off the fields this fall and pastures full of beef. Yet one in 11 individuals seeking assistance from GPFB is fighting hunger. The GPFB supports food pantries around the state all year long.

At the county level, Bryan Quigley of Mountrail County Social Services said the county received a 300 turkey donation from Challenger Industries in Tioga. Those turkeys have been distributed to surrounding communities including Parshall.

Despite the suspension of food pantry operations at the Parshall Resource Center due to its renovations, Parshall received 50 turkeys from the county donation and Center Manager Sandy Folden will ensure distribution in that community.

"Despite oil in our area we are still seeing a growing need with local people and those who move into our area and need help until they can get on their feet," Folden said. "With prices rising in our area, not everyone has oil and the need is still there for many."

Folden would like to partner with churches or other community entities to re-open the food pantry in Parshall. Great Plains Food Bank officials agree and are available for transitional help.

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