New Town News - News

The North Dakota Association of School Business Managers in recognition of fulfilling training and experience requirements recently awarded a Certificate of Merit to area business manager Dennis Karnatz of Mandaree.

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As high school graduations approach and adult learners consider a college career, many are thinking about how to pay for their higher education.

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Cheryl Evensvold announced that Tri-City CARES Inc., has been awarded the four-year CQL accreditation from the The Council on Quality and Leadership. Evensvold is the executive director of Tri-City CARES.

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A public affairs official with the Good Samaritan Society in Sioux Falls, S.D., is assuring the residents of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home in New Town that the facility will remain open, even though the Rock View Nursing Home in nearby Parshall is closing in a month.

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Nobody in Parshall is looking forward to March 7 when the Good Samaritan Society’s Rock View Nursing Home will close its doors. Good Samaritan’s public affairs director mark Dickerson told the Mountrail County Record that the decision to close the skilled nursing facility was difficult and the ultimate decision to do so followed a long, drawn out debate.

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I was fortunate to have known Homer White Buffalo both as a co-worker and a friend. We worked together for many years at the Bureau of Indian Affairs in New Town before our respective retirements in the 1990s. Homer was a dedicated law enforcement officer. He was highly respected by all who knew him.

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Did your child receive their flu shot this year? Influenza vaccines change and are updated every year, so annual vaccinations are recommended. Flu seasons are unpredictable and run from Sept. 1 to Aug.31, which is why it is never too late to receive the vaccine.

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The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, has extended the public comment period for the Draft Lake Sakakawea Surplus Water Report and Environmental Assessment by an additional 15 days, giving the public an opportunity to provide their input and recommendations through Feb. 1.

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Karen Sitting Crow, education administrator for the Mandan, Hidatsa & Arikara Nation, testified earlier this month in support of SB 2130, a bill that would re-establish the position of director of Indian Education within the Department of Public Instruction.

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January is National Radon Action Month and federal agencies as well as local health officials are urging homeowners to take precautions against radon, or at least have their homes tested to determine whether or not it represents a health risk.

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