New Town News - News

Taxable sales and purchases in Mountrail County and western North Daktoa continue increasing dramatically and tax commissioner Cory Fong says a lot of it has to do with oil activities, but there are other factors as well.

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With additional staffing requested by Gov. Jack Dalrymple and authorized by the 2011 Legislature, North Dakota will become one of the nation’s top 10 states in regulatory oversight of its oil and gas industry within six months.

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May 27, 2011

Capture your dream!

As the band played, 48 students who now call themselves graduates, crossed the stage at the Northern Lights Community Center Sunday afternoon, honored as the New Town High School graduating class of 2011.

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Now that we are in the second half of May and just a month away from the summer solstice, there is mounting pressure to get crops seeded as soon as possible.

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May 20, 2011

Fifty years on!

It’s been 50 years since Lucy Bell arrived in New Town and a lot has changed. But for Bell, her memories are as vivid as the days she taught here.

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A local support group that hasn’t been active in recent years is getting the chance of a lifetime as members actively pursue ownerhip in the Good Samaritan Center.

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A Canadian Pacific Railway train headed for New Town derailed near Van Hook resulting in three tanker cars tipping on their sides.

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North Dakota has always had a lack of trees and although Arbor Day began during territorial days in 1872, it has only been in recent years that locals have taken Arbor Day seriously.

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While most people were protecting their property from flood water not seen in North Dakota since 1997, nobody was expecting an intense late-season storm that slammed most of the western third of North Dakota with heavy rain, freezing rain, heavy snowfall and gale-force wind.

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In a marathon meeting that lasted late into the night Wednesday, the New Town City Council took action on numerous topics, discussed many more and heard from interested parties regarding roads, traffic signs and financial reports.

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