New Town News - News

Ken Gene Hasby served his country on board a navy ship early in his life but it hasn’t been until recently that the New Town resident has seen the personal effects of war.

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Jim Miller is a man with some bad news. As the New Town pool manager, Miller is forced to tell several bright, shiny faces each day that their dreams of a wet and wild summer will not come true.

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“We’re either going to get bigger or we’re not going to have the technology to remain strong.”

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The New Town City Council heard from Bureau of Indian Affairs Officer Dawn White and discussed possible solutions to an increase in traffic violations and other crimes in New Town at their regular meeting last Wednesday.

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At its meeting on June 15, the New Town City Council touched base with its designers for the Main Street improvement project and discussed the plans for a truck bypass out of town.

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The New Town School Board heard end-of-the year reports from its three principals and updates on its building projects, including a report from Dan Uran that $9,957,987.67 has been transferred from the general fund to the building fund so that work can begin on the new high school.

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Dr. Herbert J. Wilson of Bismarck has been awarded the Bernard Gregory Award for Diversity by the American Lung Association. Walker, 90, provided care to members of the Mandan, Arikara and Hidatsa tribal communities at Fort Berthold Indian Reservation for more than 50 years.

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If you walk into the small, one-room library in the Civic Center in New Town, you will certainly find books. But if you look a little further, you will find local history dating back more than 60 years.

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Splish splashing around the pool and joyful sounds of summer will have to wait another week or more as the New Town community pool works through final repairs before opening for the season.

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The North Dakota Department of Transportation along with the North Dakota Highway Patrol have opened N.D. Highway 22, approximately two miles south of Mandaree.

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