New Town News - News

The Environmental Protection Agency has approved a key permit for the proposed petroleum refinery on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation near Makoti.

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One of the highlights of New Town’s summer will celebrate another year as the Little Shell Antelope Society holds it annual powwow August 11-14 at the Little Shell Arbor behind the Four Bears Casino.

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The Protecting Mother Earth (PME) Gathering, held July 28-31 at the Little Shell Antelope Society arbor west of New Town provided opportunities to reconnect with culture, interact with like-minded individuals from all over the country and to have discussions involving environmental justice and sustainable living.

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A New Town police force is a real possibility within the year.

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Lake Sakakawea can be a tempting mistress. Even from an early age, Justin Ritts has been attracted to the Van Hook Arm of the lake as the North Dakota native used to camp in the area before there was a developed camping site.

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Robert White would not characterize himself as much of a risk taker but three years ago the New Town native and his wife went all in on a long shot that eventually paid off.

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During their regular June meeting, the New Town City Council heard from Bureau of Indian Affairs Officer Dawn White and discussed possible solutions to an increase in traffic violations and other crimes in New Town.

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Recess will be extended just a little longer for next year’s sixth grade students at New Town Middle School.

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Jessica Aubol is constantly moving. At any moment of the day, she could be stocking shelves, bagging cart fulls of groceries or scraping gum off of floors.

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Kati Mitchell of Robert Lee, Texas, had never put much thought into North Dakota until her husband, Chris, started looking for work on the internet.

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