New Town News - News

Students have challenged teachers’ authority in the early going of the school year in New Town, resulting in the police being called to both the elementary and high schools.

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The first duty of the Three Affiliated Tribes Fire Management (TATFM) program is to protect the half million acres of the Fort Berthold Reservation.

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The Good Samaritan Society, operator of New Town’s nursing home, has been an integral part of the community for many years.

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It takes a lot to stand out on the Main Streets of America, but the Better B Cafe in New Town had the right stuff – or right soup – to make the grade.

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Having a common language can be part of what defines a people. The number of elders who are completely fluent in Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara have declined to a precious few.

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The New Town City Council approved the extension of city sewer services to an area being developed by the MHA Nation on the north side of the community and to lots along Dakota Drive on the west side. The council also finalized a decision to create its own police force.

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Work on the exterior of the Elbowoods Memorial Clinic is almost finished and finishing work inside the building is moving ahead.

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For the fourth year, President Robert and First Lady Marcia Kelley will lead the annual bus tour for new UND faculty and staff, taking a route along the northern tier of North Dakota Aug. 15-17.

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It was another successful year for the Antelope Society Little Shell Celebration.

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Unfinished items of business, both large and small, are causing major headaches for the New Town school board, administrators and staff days before students return to class.

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