New Town News - News

Our US Government was pretty smart in the 1930’s. When it built the hospital in Elbowoods on the Fort Berthold Reservation, they built the doctor’s residence right next door, just a hop, skip and jump away.

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Wednesday morning was bright and sunny and so was the attitude of breast cancer survivors and their supporters who held a walk to symbolize their determination to find a cure for the disease.

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The Three Affiliated Tribes is going to create a Wellness Drug Court with funding from a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.

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A semi took the corner of N.D. Highways 23 and 37 too quickly last week and created a spill that blocked traffic for most of the day, Thursday, Sept. 29.

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Officials from the North Dakota Department of Commerce got an earful as they visited New Town and Parshall to gauge the impact of oil development and try to figure out how to help the two communities cope.

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Fire up the steam engines, sharpen the plow lays, it’s time once again for the Makoti Threshing Show.

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Fort Berthold Community College will carry out a study on water quality across the Fort Berthold Reservation thanks to a $40,000 grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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For many years, the Good Samaritan Society has been a part of the community in New Town. Times change, and now local leadership has stepped up to take ownership of the Good Samaritan Society, New Town nursing home and take it into the future.

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Whiting Petroleum Corporation thinks it’s going to be a player in the Bakken oil patch for a good long time.

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September 16, 2011

Frost dampens crop prospects

Weather has been hard on small grains crops in Mountrail County but row crops were looking good. At least they were looking good until they were hit by an early frost this week.

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