New Town News - News

Area voters had their say and while New Town Republicans gave a majority of their votes to Ron Paul, the rest of the district and the state gave a Super Tuesday victory to Rick Santorum.

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The New Town City Council’s efforts to route oil field traffic away from Main Street faces some complications that could delay the project.

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At the Region 3 Wrestling Tournament held in New Town on February 11, three retired coaches were honored for their many years of service to their teams. Terry Mathson, New Town Eagles,

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February 24, 2012

What’s next for Bakken?

It’s happened in North Dakota before. Like the tide, oil development and dollars flowed into the state only to reverse course and flow right back out when oil prices dropped.

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There are 37 tribal colleges across the United States and Canada that are members of the American Indian Higher Education Consortium. Students from across the country elect representatives to a student congress to help shape the consortium’s programs.

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A baby step in the struggle to create affordable housing for staff of the Elbowoods Memorial Clinic took places last week as temporary trailers and modular (manufactured) homes were put in place on the north edge of New Town.

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More people. More trucks. More accidents. More crime.

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February 10, 2012

Land, water, royalties, jobs

The oil boom in the Bakken has just begun, according to industry experts who made presentations at the International Energy Oil and Gas Summit held in New Town Feb. 1-2.

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The Sixth Annual Bite the Ice Fishing Tournament and Raffle was called an “unprecedented success” by organizers with the most anglers participating and fish caught in the history of the tournament.

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Rena has a really good job. All she has to do is play. Rena is Black Lab-Golden Retriever mix employed by Interquest Detection Canines.

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