New Town News - News

The No Child Left Behind law has made it difficult for schools to meet federal standards for test scores and New Town Public School is no exception.

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Senators Kent Conrad and John Hoeven, Congressman Rick Berg, and Governor Jack Dalrymple welcomed U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to North Dakota’s Fort Berthold Reservation, accompanying him on a tour of oil production facilities on Tuesday, April 2.

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Four Bears Casino and Lodge recently announced plans to break ground on a brand new hotel wing, with a ribbon cutting ceremony planned for Thursday, April 12th, at noon.

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The money is already in the bank, but there was still time for a ceremonial check presentation at the most recent meeting of the MHA Nation tribal business council.

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Tobacco has long held a sacred place in the culture of Native Americans. However, the commercialization of this sacred plant has created an industry that thrives on addiction and abuse of its products

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New Town will get a bypass this year, if it can satisfy all the permit requirements quickly enough.

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North Dakota State University students Thomas Bluestone and Kelsey Peltier have been dancing at powwows since they were old enough to walk

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Construction of the new High School building in New Town won’t be finished early, as the contractors and New Town School Board had hoped.

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A former editor of the New Town News has resigned as editor of a Minnesota paper after being accused of passing off humor columns written by others as his own.

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Michael Wells, a Las Vegas based developer who is developing a number of projects in Parshall and New Town, has severed his ties with North Dakota Investments after that group allegedly failed to follow requirements of North Dakota law.

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