New Town News - News

Eagles actors bring home regional gold

The New Town Eagles have a proud tradition of filling trophy cases with North Dakota High School Activities Association awards. A new trophy will be added to that case as the Eagles Drama program has brought home its first regional championship.

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New Town Firehouse dedicated

Most people realize New Town is a very different place than it was just ten short years ago.

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More than seven years and tens of millions of dollars later, the final leg of the New Town Bypass is complete.

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Eight is Great
October 31, 2019

Eight is Great

Robert White was still in elementary school when New Town began its current domination of North Dakota Cross Country.

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Mental wheels were turning. There was a problem to be solved by the Lego Loggers at the New Town City Library and they were on it.

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Since Officer Delphi retired this summer, the New Town Police Department has been down to a single K-9 officer.

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First Lady shares message of hope with New Town

North Dakota First Lady Kathleen Burgum has been open about her recovery from substance abuse since her husband became governor.

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Melissa ‘Missi’ (Hood) Spotted Bear has always had strong faith and she has many of her friends, family and community members who also believe in her.

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Ghosts and monsters invade NHSC

Even the most timid of ghosts and goblins will find safe and fun area activities planned for them on Halloween.

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Falling numbers mean less dough for farmers

First the rain fell. Then the snow fell. But more importantly, area elevators and farmers are seeing falling numbers in the grain.

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