New Town News - News

When Louis "Mac" Mcleod, Minot Area Homeless Coalition Executive Director spoke to veterans groups in New Town last week, he brought not only his years of experience and expertise, he brought his passion for serving homeless veterans as well.

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Twyla Baker-Demeray says that Fort Berthold Community College has always seemed like a home away from home for her.

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May 14, 2015

Highway 23 closed

Access to businesses on the west end of Main Street in New Town will continue although the street will be closed to all but local traffic as of Thursday, May 14. No Through Traffic signs will be posted on the highway.

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Kelley Eickenbrock challenged students in her Problems of Democracy classes to find projects to participate in that would make a difference. What they decided to do will be a visible symbol for years to come.

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It’s going to be a long summer and fall, especially for the businesses of New Town. The long delayed Main Street Project began in earnest on Monday and New Town will be closed to through traffic for much of the summer.

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New Town’s Airport got a facelift last fall, and the New Town Airport Authority wants the community to help it celebrate by hosting a Fly-in on Saturday, May 16 from 8 to 10 a.m.

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Cheyenne Brady from New Town and member of the Sac and Fox tribe was crowned Miss Indian World at the 32nd Annual Gathering of Nations.

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April 30, 2015

Recent rains welcomed

A gray and dismal weekend may have upset some plans for those who wanted to enjoy an early day on the lake, but the rain that accompanied the gloom brightened the day for area farmers, said Mountrail County Ag Agent Jim Hennessy.

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The 2015 North Dakota Legislative Session is in its final days. But with major budget issues yet to be decided, legislators have their work cut out for them. Add one more issue to be decided before time runs out.

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Dogs and other animals roaming loose are increasing in New Town and the surrounding area. The New Town Police Department has responded to an alarming number of dog bite incidents in the last two weeks.

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