New Town News - News

It has been good first half for most of the students at New Town Public Schools.

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February 4, 2016

New store marks a new start

The Great Plains Indian Trading Company is the newest business on the Main Street of New Town.

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The grand opening of the Great Plains Indian Trading Company on the Main Street of New Town was a celebration.

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The New Town City Council said it had little choice in dismissing an officer of the New Town Police Department after officer was involved in an off duty shooting incident.

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A Round Dance featuring traditional music of the Northern Plains Tribes will be held at the Johnny Bird Memorial Hall five miles west of New Town on Friday, February 19 at 7 p.m.

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Those who do not know history are condemned to repeat it, goes the old saying.

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Revenant is not just another movie to a number of people on Fort Berthold.

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New Town Schools Superintendent Marc Bluestone remembers years back when he was the Assistant Principal at Edwin Loe Elementary School and all he needed was a parent’s verbal permission to give a child an insulin injection.

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"It’s a different kind of snowboarding," according to Ruth Zacher, area paddleboarding enthusiast. She is talking about her adventures in late December of 2015 when she was able to paddleboard Lake Sakakawea along snow covered beaches.

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The North Dakota Public Service Commission (PSC) has approved a siting permit for a crude oil pipeline that will be built in McKenzie and Mountrail Counties.

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