New Town News - News

"We’re running out of room and we’re running out of time," said New Town City Coordinator Daryl Lyson.

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The City of New Town and the MHA Nation came to a tentative agreement over utilities and other issues of concern regarding the Tribal Law Enforcement Center and Courthouse under construction in New Town.

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Some future chemists and biologists may trace the beginning of their careers to a recent day at the Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College, which hosted a Science Fun Day for the New Town Head Start.

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The true meaning of a Red Flag Warning became obvious as a large wildfire blackened the hillsides along North Dakota Highway 23 this weekend and forced the evacuation of Four Bears Village.

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Someone has to pick up tons of garbage from streets and roadways.

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Welcome home Vietnam Vets. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9061 said welcome home in a big way recently.

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At its next regular meeting on April 20, the New Town City Council will consider expanding the number of liquor licenses within city limits from seven to nine and add provisions to allow restaurant to serve alcohol as well.

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Roger Earl Foreman was born to his parents, Earl and Irene, in Sanish on August 4, 1947. In 1952 he moved to New Town with his family.

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When you walk down the street in front of the Legion Club these days, you may or may not have noticed the updated sign that now reads, American Legion Beck-Sherven-Foreman, Post 290.

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The New Town City Council reaffirmed its decision to terminate former New Town Police Department officer Peter Brown.

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