New Town News - News

The bull boat, bone and antler gardening tools and leather and fur clothing look like they could be out of any museum of early American history in the nation. But they are all fairly new.

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A powwow celebration is a celebration of the senses. You can feel the throbbing pulse of the drums, hear the singers magical voices and the arena if filled with every color of the rainbow plus a few more.

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Along with a few score riders and horses and a dozen volunteers, there were a few strangers following along on the 2016 Xo’ghsa Memorial Ride.

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It was late in the winter of 1894 at Fort Buford, near present day Williston. The grass would be turning green in a matter of weeks, but then there was still snow on the ground.

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The sirens went off in New Town Sunday evening.

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Now in its sixth year, the Adrian Foote Memorial Rodeo has become an institution in New Town.

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The Old West spirit will be out in force on Friday and Saturday as the New Town Rodeo Grounds will once again be hosting top flight talent at the sixth Adrian Foote Sr. Annual Rodeo.

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The city of New Town will have to do some belt tightening next year as declining oil prices have already put a major squeeze on this year’s city revenues.

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For the Hidatsa, it was their own Trail of Tears.

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A group of documentary filmmakers who produced a historical film on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation about the pioneer missionary Harold Chase are returning to teach film making classes in collaboration with the Nueta Hidatsa and Sahnish College in New Town.

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