New Town News - News

It was a crowded New Town High School cafeteria with children of all ages supporting veterans and their families.

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November 17, 2016

Happy Birthday, USMC

It was a very special birthday. It was the Marine Corps 241 birthday to be exact. The official date is set for November 10.

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The last four years have been some of the tumultuous for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation since the completion of the Garrison Dam.

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Frost is on the pumpkin and snow has graced our town a couple of times already which means the New Town Chamber Annual Parade of Lights and Walkabout is not far away.

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Wellness and fairness were two themes that echoed through a North Segment Tribal Council Representative candidates’ debate held by the Student Senate of Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College in New Town.

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If you were out in Four Bears Park last week, you may have seen some glowing ghostly characters – along with a lot of squeals of delight.

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October 13, 2016

Putting your brand on it

With the redesign complete out at the Ranchman 23 east of New Town, Owner Operator Tara Clayton and her father Terry are putting on the finishing touches to the western style decor inside.

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October 6, 2016

A life saving gift

You always hope you will never need an ambulance, but more than 1,400 times a year, the New Town Ambulance is there to try and save people from heart attacks, strokes, car accidents and all kinds of life threatening situations.

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It’s been a long expensive road but the New Town Ambulance Service has finally finished the expansion and renovation of its home.

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September 29, 2016

Bypass to bisect golf course

There was good news and bad news at the latest New Town City Council meeting.

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